Jason Mallia
Integrated Health, Australia
Title: Management of Chronic Conditions using an Integrative, genetic and blood type aproach
Biography: Jason Mallia
The objective of this clicnical research study is to examine components of integrative medicine in order to help the clincian understand its benefits, limitations and application in chronic health conditons such as cancer and automimmune disease, With the rise in chronic health conditons worldwide the author examines an approach to such conditions using a gentetic and blood typeapproach. This study was performed to outline why there is a need for such an approach and how it is possible. A practical clinical approach has been used to demonstrate how this is possible in modern day practice. A description of various systems are given and utilised in and integrative approach to chronic disease, also to indicate when an intervention is required in an integrative health care system. The foundation of the approach utilises a gentic and blood type approach specific to the individuals requirements for greater clinical outcomes. Another aim is to help clinicians decide whether an integrative or specialist approach is necessary for a patient’s best prognosis. Multiple case studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.