Karen Phillip
Central Coast Hypnotherapy and Counselling Center
Title: Virtual Hypnotherapy – alternative healing method. Learn to create subconscious change to thoughts, responses, attitudes, behaviors and feelings creating healing and new inner beliefs
Biography: Karen Phillip
Virtual Hypnotherapy movement is having an enormous impact in the USA and Australia. These new innovative home therapy sessions are cutting the cost of therapy pills and improving people’s lives around the world and in the comfort of their own home. Dr. Karen works with clients all over the world including Industry Leaders, high profile entrepreneurs and celebrities, assisting them to relax and reduce their anxiety levels plus manage and deal with a variety of other issues. Your world becomes exciting again, mind becomes clear, relationships improve and life becomes lighter, happier and far more enjoyable. You can’t change others but the only control we have is over ourselves. Hypnotherapy allows us to enter into a state of relaxed consciousness. Dr. Karen Phillip can assist individuals to gain clarity and direction, stop many addictive behaviors quickly, reduce stress and anxiety levels and help to erode that feeling of depression that affects so many. This is the reason Virtual Hypnotherapy was created. Dr. Karen is passionate about educating and guiding those who wish to find natural and holistic healing in order to transform their lives. With a 94.9% success rate and being cited by the Journal of Applied Psychology as the most effective way of giving up smoking, hypnotherapy is a very successful tool and now Virtual Hypnotherapy brings the healing.