Day :
- Naturopathy | Ayurveda| Osteopathy | Natural Therapies | Holistic Health
Session Introduction
Vidhu Sharma
Australasian Association of Ayurveda, Australia
Title: Ayurveda Marma therapy, reflexology and aromatherapy: Blending these complementary therapies to promote wellbeing

Vidhu Sharma is an Ayurvedic Practitioner, completed his Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery from the Punjab University, India. He has 18 years of experience in the field of Ayurveda. He is also a Trainer and Assessor, teaching students the skills that would enhance their knowledge and widen their spectrum towards general wellbeing.
Marmas are secret hidden points all over the body, believed to be around 107 in number and some count mind making it a total of 108. As a therapist, manipulation of these Marma points can provide a lot of relaxation to the body and also support the healing process. Another effective complementary treatment is reflexology, which deals with specialized work on the reflex areas in the hands and feet of individuals. The hands and feet are considered to be mirror images of internal body organs and hence, working on these reflex areas, a reflexologist can provide a lot of relaxation and reduce stress and pain. In correlation with Ayurveda Marma Therapy and Reflexology, I would like to add the very popular-aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the science of making and using specialized oil blends which due to their therapeutic component will actually enhance wellbeing and benefit the clients. These oil blends are prepared according to the suitability of clients individually and not only provide relaxation to the individuals, but also can be used to cure many ailments like PMS, depression, mood fluctuations etc., to name a few. My idea is to promote general wellbeing through natural therapies, so, hoping to amalgamate all three significant therapies namely Ayurveda, Reflexology and Aromatherapy and form one combined therapy with its own existence and name that would benefit one and all.
Azza Elmedany
Alexandria University, Egypt
Title: Green Tea Polyphenols For The Protection Against Isoprenaline-Induced Myocardial Infarction In Experimental Hyperhomocystemic Rats

Azza El Medany has completed her PhD and Postdoctoral studies from Alexandria University College of Medicine. She is a Professor of Pharmacology and Vice Head of Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, KSU. She has published more than 40 papers in the areas of GIT, CVS, natural products and toxicological researches in reputed journals and serving as a member of a number of professional bodies.
Green tea is a beverage that is popular worldwide. Polyphenols in green tea have been receiving attention for the maintenance of human health. The contribution of antioxidant activity in preventing diseases caused by oxidative stress has been focused upon. Hyperhomocysteinemia (Hhcy) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In this study we have investigated the effects of green tea extract (GTE) on isoprenaline (ISO)-induced myocardial infarction (MI) in hyperhomocysteinemic rats. Hhcy was induced by daily intake of methionine (1 body weight) in the drinking water for 4 weeks. MI was then produced by a single subcutaneous injection of ISO (300 Electrographic parameters, heart rate, ST interval, blood pressure and serum levels of creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and SGOT as well as lipid peroxidation (MDA and GSH) were measured in heart tissue as indices of oxidative stress. Hhcy resulted in significant reduction of blood pressure, ST segment elevation and increase in heart rate, serum CK and LDH levels. Cardiac MDA was significantly increased while GSH was decreased as compared to normal control group. All the previously mentioned parameters were significantly exaggerated in Hhcy rats treated with ISO as compared to Hhcy group. Administration of GTE during the induction of Hhcy showed a considerable reduction in serum markers of cardio toxicity, heart rate, elevated ST segment and significant improvement in the reduced blood pressure. Cardiac MDA was decreased while cardiac GSH was elevated. Hhcy+ISO caused disorganization of myocardial tissue which was restored in animals treated with GTE along with Hhcy+ISO. It can be concluded that GTE possesses an antioxidant activity and by virtue of this action it can protect the heart from Hhcy alone or Hhcy+ISO induced MI.
Pranab Goswami
Government of NCT, India
Title: Management of Crohn’s disease by adopting Integrated Lifestyle Program (ILP) with Naturopathy, Meditation and Yoga
Pranab Goswami has completed his graduation from Gandhi National Academy of Naturopathy, New Delhi, India and performed many research studies on Cohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, musculoskeletal, lifestyle, yoga and naturopathy.
Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) encompasses ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). These two chronic inflammatory diseases of uncertain etiology have been affecting the gut. IBD started gaining special attention in India only after mid 1980s with wider availability of colonoscopy. It has been often difficult to distinguish Crohn’s from tuberculosis and infectious colitis. There is rising incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in India topping the Southeast Asian (SEA) countries. The common genes implicated in disease pathogenesis in the West are not causal in Indian patients and the role of “hygiene hypothesis” is unclear. There appears to be a North-South divide with more ulcerative colitis (UC) in north and Crohn’s disease (CD) in south India. IBD in second generation Indian migrants to the West takes the early onset and more severe form of the West whereas it retains the nature of its country of origin in migrants to SEA countries. The clinical presentation is much like other SEA countries (similar age and sex profile, low positive family history and effect of smoking, roughly similar disease location, use of aminosalicylates for CD, low use of biologics and similar surgical rates) with some differences (higher incidence of inflammatory CD, lower perianal disease, higher use of aminosalicylates and azathioprine and lower current use of corticosteroids). UC presents more with extensive disease not paralleled in severity clinically or histologically, follows benign course with easy medical control and low incidence of fulminant disease, cancer, complications, and surgery. UC related colorectal cancer develop in an unpredictable manner with respect to disease duration and site questioning the validity of strict screening protocol. About a third of CD patients get antituberculosis drugs and a significant number presents with small intestinal bleed which is predominantly afflicted by aggressive inflammation. Biomarkers have inadequate diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for both. Pediatric IBD tends to be more severe than adult. Population based studies are needed to address the lacunae in epidemiology and definition of etiological factors. Newer biomarkers and advanced diagnostic techniques (in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy, molecular pathology and genetics) needs to be developed for proper disease definition and treatment.Keywords: Inflammatory bowel disease, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, India, ReviewThere is growing interest in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in India due to its rising incidence. The disease is milder in India. Small intestine is often inflamed in Crohn’s disease, making it hard to digest and absorb key nutrients from food. The lack of sufficient nutrients and poor appetite can lead to malnutrition for people with Crohn’s disease.
Objective: The study was conducted in between January 2015 to November 2016. The database and treatment history of 20 OPD and IPD patients suffering from UC and CD were considered for this study. The objective of this study is to design an effective lifestyle program with the help of naturopathy, yoga and meditation for management of Crohn’s disease with nature.
Result: After successful implementation of the integrated lifestyle with naturopathy, yoga and meditation, it is found that 65% of research population is suffering from Crohn’s disease were experiencing better health condition without any acute problem arising out of CD than before and 25% were completely cured without any acute and chronic complaints for last one year.
Conclusion: Yoga and meditation is a philosophy and practice that connects the body, breath and mind to energize and balance the whole system in our body and naturopathy works on removal of toxins from our body, which are caused by imbalance of five elements of nature: Air, water, fire, space and earth. Therefore integration of all three natural therapies help to remove the toxins from our body and increase the blood circulation within the body and intestine and clear congestions along the pathways and stimulate the body’s own healing potential.
- Naturopathy | Ayurveda| Osteopathy | Natural Therapies | Holistic Health
Location: 3
Session Introduction
Paul Turner
RMIT University, Australia
Title: Holism in Osteopathy – Bridging the gap between concept and practice: A grounded theory study

Paul Turner has completed his Bachelor of Applied Science in Osteopathy and Bachelor of Health Science from RMIT University, Australia. He has been involved with education in manual therapies and conducting research exploring this relationship as well as to develop a theoretical framework model which helps bridge a perceived gap between holistic concept and its practical implementation.
Paul Turner presents some of the results of his research from a grounded theory study interviewing experienced osteopathic practitioners about their views on biomedical and holistic approaches as well as the relationship between any individual practitioners’ concept of holism and its practical implementation. This study also explored the role of education played in the understanding and practice of holism. These issues were important to investigate in order to develop a theoretical framework of holism which adequately explained these relationships and to provide a model of practice which may give insight into understanding, assessing and treating patients with chronic health issues. The theoretical framework identifies important relationships, not only between the tissues causing symptoms and the symptoms themselves but also between the tissues causing symptoms and other areas/components of the whole person (physical, energetic, emotional, mental, nutritional, environmental or other) which are potentially involved and which are collectively contributing to the entire ‘pattern of dysfunction’ within any individual patient, as well as how to recognize these other areas from clinical assessment. It is hoped that the theoretical framework of holism presented will provide a platform for future research to improve education (i.e., achieve a balance between holistic and biomedical elements) and health outcomes, particularly in the area of chronic health. Although participants were osteopaths and because the biomedical education and holistic principles form the basis of many health professions, the framework discussed has theoretical and practical implications applicable to many health professionals.
Vanita Sharma
Australasian Association of Ayurveda,Australia
Title: The Revolutionary Approach – Mindfulness and Integration of Eastern and Western Medical Science

Vanita Sharma is an expert in the Field of Ayurvedic Medicine for mind-body healing, also an Entrepreneur and sort after Public Speaker. She has more than 20 years of experience working in the field of Ayurveda. After attending Punjab University, Shri Dhanwantary Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India and gaining her Post-graduate degree in Naturopathy and Yoga. She began her career as an Ayurvedic Physician, carrying on this wisdom passed down five generations. In 1999, she founded Vibe Ayurveda, the first Ayurvedic Health & Wellness Centre in Melbourne Victoria. Currently, she is serving as a Vice-president of the Australasian Association of Ayurveda and has appeared on local Australian TV-shows and live on various community radios.
The world is going through a paradigm shift in its understanding of natural health sciences. The advances in technology such as “Google” easily allow the public to have full access to all forms of different health modalities. With new technological developments, we can analyze how illnesses form at a cellular level. This has revolutionized health sciences, so people are living longer, but unfortunately at the same time are not escaping chronic illnesses and pain, so whilst people live longer they are not necessarily living well. Dr. Davis (Director of the Cancer research unit and Founder of the Environmental Health Trust) noted in a recent talk, how the exposure to increased radioactive waves caused by new technologies was a contributing factor to people suffering from cancers, nervous disorders, memory loss and lack of concentration. Although people are mindful of the adverse effects of these rays, and how they may affect their health, there still seems to be no proven connection to these causes and we have no further advancement in prevention against them. I believe that the potential solution to these affects is to follow fundamental laws of nature and look at the eastern medical system. People are awakening to the responsibility of their own health and seek to be in charge in a partnership with their chosen healthcare professional. They are reaching more to the practices of natural therapy and ancient wisdom. In principle, practitioners of natural sciences can address a client’s family history, genetic factors, lifestyle, diet and social circumstances to land on the “core” health issue. This is clearly lacking in modern medicine as most often drugs are given to treat the discomfort but not to correct the cause. This in turn creates a loop of visits to Doctors with no real relief or sense of empowerment in the direction of one’s own wellbeing. As a natural health Ayurvedic practitioner, I focus on the root cause by working case to case to create physical, psychological and spiritual harmony in the human body. Ayurveda does this by improving and strengthening the immune system, reducing stress and cleansing the body, allowing it to expel the breeding ground for disease.
Sharon Tal
Melbourne Kinesiology and Detox Centre, Australia
Title: How to move beyond survive to thrive

Sharon Tal is a Kinesiologist, Counselor and Reiki Master with over 20 years’ experience in the wellness industry. She helps people in the physical, mental and emotional level to help bring clarity, wellness, focus and joy back into their everyday life.
In this presentation, the author talks on how to move beyond survive to thrive including following topics: The benefits of kinesiology and muscle testing in clearing emotional traumas; amygdala and the fight, flight and freeze response of the body; the importance of magnesium and other tips in recovering adrenal fatigue, as well as enabling better hydration into the cells. Kinesiology is a modality based on traditional Chinese medicine and chiropractic. There are a wide range of tools kinesiologists use to measure the level of stress a client is experiencing and then relieving the stress so that one can live optimally. Kinesiology will benefit a person’s wellness overall and will lead to a more balanced life. Muscle testing provides a bio-feedback system of the muscles in the body. In times of stress and trauma, the body stimulates the adrenal gland that activates a meridian that is called the triple warmer. This in turn affects the adrenal and thyroid glands and the temperature regulation in the body, resulting in extreme stress, tiredness, dread, terror etc. As the adrenal glands are sitting physically above the kidneys, it can create and cause dehydration. Utilizing magnesium will calm the nervous system and will ultimately relax the muscles that will enable a body recovery into normal function. The author help empower you, beyond survive, to thrive via meditations, tips and tools which have been developed during her 20 years of practice.
- Clinical Naturopathic Medicine |Acupuncture Alternative Medicine |Integrative Medicine
Session Introduction
Christopher deLisle Hammond
Griffith University , Australia
Title: Naturopathic compounding regulations and how compounding pharmacies can be extremely beneficial for patient health

Jack completed his Masters of Pharmacy at Griffith University on the Gold Coast in 2006, and it was during the course of his study that he developed an interest in compounding medicines. He completed his pre-registration year in a compounding pharmacy and in 2007, went on to manage Broadbeach Pharmacy.
Jack has completed the Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia (PCCA) courses in Pharmacist training, Veterinary compounding, and Nutritional Compounding courses. In 2011, he was invited to speak at the ACCP conference and educated fellow pharmacists on the topic of ‘Setting Up A Successful Compounding Lab’.
In 2009, Jack purchased Broadbeach Amcal Chempro Compounding Chemist, and expanded the business through excellence in marketing and customer service. Jack regularly speaks at seminars for hormone replacement, weight loss and compounding. He also liaises with doctors, naturopaths and veterinarians to ensure the most appropriate compounded formulations and preparations are prescribed. Jack is extrememly well educated in Natural Medicines and regularly consults all Natural Medicine practitioners regarding formulations and business options. He now owns one of Australias largest compounding only chemists ACPHARM, a 250 square meter laboratory with 4 separate rooms for specific compounding.
Due to the individualised philosophy of naturopaths they prescribe individual herbal formulations for their patients. In practice, this means that the majority of naturopathy consultations result in the extemporaneous compounding of a prescription. Naturopaths using herbal medicines predominately prescribe fluid extracts (which use a mixture of water and ethanol as the solvent, extracting using a process of maceration or cold percolation). The second most common prescription by naturopaths who use herbal medicine are herbal teas – that is combinations of dried herb material to be used by the patient to make tea. In the case of herbal teas, the mixing of different herb material for therapeutic purposes constitutes extemporaneous compounding. While herbal medicines are most commonly prescribed for internal use, a small percentage of herbal prescriptions by herbalists are for other traditional forms of herbal application, including extemporaneously compounded creams and poultices. Naturopaths are limited in their prescriptions by the Poisons Standard 2012; unlike pharmacists they cannot extemporaneously compound or dispense any substance included in Schedule 2, 3, or 4 of this Standard. What this means is that medicines prescribed by naturopaths are of a low risk nature. The use of compounding pharmacies to help a naturopathic practitioner prescribe schedule 2 and 3 compounds can be extremely beneficial for practices.
Christopher deLisle Hammond
Griffith University , Australia
Title: Naturopathic compounding regulations and how compounding pharmacies can be extremely beneficial for patient health

Jack completed his Masters of Pharmacy at Griffith University on the Gold Coast in 2006, and it was during the course of his study that he developed an interest in compounding medicines. He completed his pre-registration year in a compounding pharmacy and in 2007, went on to manage Broadbeach Pharmacy.
Jack has completed the Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia (PCCA) courses in Pharmacist training, Veterinary compounding, and Nutritional Compounding courses. In 2011, he was invited to speak at the ACCP conference and educated fellow pharmacists on the topic of ‘Setting Up A Successful Compounding Lab’.
In 2009, Jack purchased Broadbeach Amcal Chempro Compounding Chemist, and expanded the business through excellence in marketing and customer service. Jack regularly speaks at seminars for hormone replacement, weight loss and compounding. He also liaises with doctors, naturopaths and veterinarians to ensure the most appropriate compounded formulations and preparations are prescribed. Jack is extrememly well educated in Natural Medicines and regularly consults all Natural Medicine practitioners regarding formulations and business options. He now owns one of Australias largest compounding only chemists ACPHARM, a 250 square meter laboratory with 4 separate rooms for specific compounding.
Due to the individualised philosophy of naturopaths they prescribe individual herbal formulations for their patients. In practice, this means that the majority of naturopathy consultations result in the extemporaneous compounding of a prescription. Naturopaths using herbal medicines predominately prescribe fluid extracts (which use a mixture of water and ethanol as the solvent, extracting using a process of maceration or cold percolation). The second most common prescription by naturopaths who use herbal medicine are herbal teas – that is combinations of dried herb material to be used by the patient to make tea. In the case of herbal teas, the mixing of different herb material for therapeutic purposes constitutes extemporaneous compounding. While herbal medicines are most commonly prescribed for internal use, a small percentage of herbal prescriptions by herbalists are for other traditional forms of herbal application, including extemporaneously compounded creams and poultices. Naturopaths are limited in their prescriptions by the Poisons Standard 2012; unlike pharmacists they cannot extemporaneously compound or dispense any substance included in Schedule 2, 3, or 4 of this Standard. What this means is that medicines prescribed by naturopaths are of a low risk nature. The use of compounding pharmacies to help a naturopathic practitioner prescribe schedule 2 and 3 compounds can be extremely beneficial for practices.
Jason Mallia
Integrated Health, Australia
Title: Management of Chronic Conditions using an Integrative, genetic and blood type aproach

Azza ELMedany
Alexandria University, Egypt
Title: Green Tea Polyphenols For The Protection Against Isoprenaline-Induced Myocardial Infarction In Experimental Hyperhomocystemic Rats

Azza Hafiez El-Medany has completed her PhD and Postdoctoral studies from Alexandria University, College of Medicine, Egypt. She is the Professor of Pharmacology & vice Head of the Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, KSU. She has published more than 40 papers in the areas of GIT, CVS, natural products & toxicological researches in reputed journals and serving as a member of number of professional bodies. She is the recipient of special awards in scientific research & teaching.
Green tea , is a beverage that is popular worldwide. Polyphenols in green tea have been receiving attention for the maintenance of human health . The contribution of antioxidant activity in preventing diseases caused by oxidative stress has been focused upon. Hyperhomocysteinemia (Hhcy)is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
In this study we investigated the effects of green tea extract (GTE) on isoprenaline (ISO)-inducedmyocardialinfarction (MI) in hyperhomocysteinemic rats. Hhcy was induced by daily intake of methionine (1gkg-1body weight) in the drinking water for 4 weeks. MI was then produced by a single subcutaneous injection of ISO (300mgkg-1).Electrographic parameters, heart rate, ST interval, blood pressure and serum levels of creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)&SGOT & lipid peroxidation (MDA&GSH) were measured in heart tissue as indices of oxidative stress.
Hhcy resulted in significant blood pressure reduction, ST segment elevation and increase in heart rate, serum CK & LDH levels. Cardiac MDA was significantly increased, while GSH was decreased as compared to normal control group. All the previously mentioned parameters were significantly exaggerated in Hhcy rats treated with ISO as compared to Hhcy group. Administration of GTE during the induction of Hhcy showed a considerable reduction in serum markers of cardiotoxicity, heart rate, elevated ST segment & significant improve in the reduced blood pressure. Cardiac MDA was decreased while cardiac GSH was elevated . Hhcy+ISO caused disorganization of myocardial tissue which was restored in animals treated with GTE along with Hhcy+ISO.
It can be concluded that GTE possesses an antioxidant activity and by virtue of this action it can protect the heart from Hhcy alone or Hhcy+ISO induced MI.
Serg Mezhov
Acupuncturist Association of Victoria ,Australia
Title: Acupuncture controversy: Failse or true? Observation on studying of the applications in muscula-skeleton disorders

Dr. Serg Mezhov, has been practicing different modalities Eastern as well Western medicine from 1979 back in Soviet Union until it’s end and then up till now in Melbourne, Australia. He is disciple of Lee family acupuncture tradition and has major interest in Spinal column disorders.
This a study of development in research based on observation ICMART, WFAS, ICTAM and ISRPRM materials for the period from1975 to 2013. Few things were triggered out to look at all this matter like and controversial advice on combination of Acupuncture treatment and Manipulative therapies( WFAS 2001, ICTAM 2013), as well as depth of needle inserting in case of Muscular-skeleton cases of problems( WFAS 2000, ICTAM 2013) as a most standing out. Also previous experience of different physiological explanations of phenomena of Acupuncture and trails of Physiological- anatomical systematization on theory of Acupuncture and TCM, by scientific research has been done in time to prove its reasoning, and finally substitution of the old methods (Vogralick 1976), like Moxa use and Finger pressure with new technology based introductions (Laser, Electro-magnetic etc) Relevantly, the amount of studies on Acupuncture itself, is much bigger then on Tui- Na or Moxibuction or any other type of point approach to the body.
Through observation of Congresses and Conferences in all those years we can clear see tendency to research more detailed process of micro-structures of the tissue then look at the levels of general body reaction. From simply empirical observation, as it was when Point therapy was formed, we intend to see micro- changes with out conclusion of whole picture of the physiological transitions of the body (ISPRM 2007).
Sean Lyons
Life University, USA
Title: The Effects of Regular Chiropractic Care on Muscular Strength

Dr. Sean Lyons specializes in chiropractic in Tucker area. Dr. Sean Lyons has a medical practice at 2370 Main Street, Tucker GA, and has over 1 years of experience in the field of medicine. He graduated from Life Chiropractic College with his medical degree in 2016. Dr. Lyons is accepting new patients at his medical office and practice location in Tucker, Georgia. He is available for appointments, preventative care, medical care as well as ongoing patient care.
The Effects of Regular Chiropractic Care on Muscular Strength
The purpose of our study was to explore the relationship between regular chiropractic care and muscular strength. Chiropractic practice philosophy states that the correction of vertebral subluxation complex promotes health through enhancing neurological integrity. Accordingly, chiropractic adjustments aimed at reducing vertebral subluxation complex (VSC) should also reduce neurological interference at the involved levels. A reduction of interference to the nervous system would thereby allow muscles to more fully express their functional potential, including an improvement in strength.
Operational Definitions
One Repetition Maximum (ORM): the maximum amount of weight one can lift in a single repetition for a given exercise. There is a significant correlation between one repetition maximum and muscular strength. Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC): B.J. Palmer explained that when bones of the spine misaligned they had the potential to put pressure on nerves, which could lead to interference of mental impulses between the brain and body.1 Recently the “vertebral subluxation complex” model has been revised to include kinesiology, neurology, myology, connective tissue pathology, angiology, inflammatory response, anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry.6 These are the objective indicators of the presence of vertebral subluxation complex. It is proposed that vertebral subluxation complex manifests differently in different people depending on a variety of variables such as location of biomechanical changes in the spine.
Anne Hilarius-Ford
Energy Reflexology, Australia
Title: The Natural Facelift – beauty from the inside out

Anne Hilarius-Ford has run a successful private Reflexology practice since 2000. She completed the Diploma in Reflexology with the Australian School for Reflexology and Relaxation in Melbourne. Anne also has the Diplomas in Facial Reflexology and Japanese Cosmo Face Lifting with the Instituto de Reflexologia in Barcelona. 2016 saw her create a 6-video series on Hormones and Reflexology as well as the Natural Facelift treatment and workshop. In April 2017, she was presented with an Outstanding Achievement Award by the Reflexology Association of Australia in recognition to fulfilling the roles of an entire team and in keeping together the Victorian Branch during 2015 and part of 2016.
The Natural Facelift – beauty from the inside ou
Anne takes you on a journey behind the scenes of The Natural Facelift. How can we, with the help of ancient knowledge, rejuvenate and refresh our facial features naturally? Using selected techniques from Facial Acupressure and Facial Reflexology, prevent and reduce sagging of the face. Fine lines are softened and may, with consistent use, even disappear. Established wrinkles become much less prominent and, with daily use of the techniques may fade over time. Look rejuvenated, refreshed and radiant not only for yourself but also for professional profiles, first encounters and selfies. Following this very brief workshop, you will walk away with helpful information and some techniques to refresh parts of the face. Starting with a ‘damaged canvas’ Anne transformed her own face to look younger and fresher today than she did 4 years ago. With her background as a professional Reflexologist, she explains how these techniques impact general health because the whole body is projected on the face. Anne is a woman on a mission to empower people globally to look their best naturally, avoiding invasive and expensive procedures. She speaks and teaches from the heart and personal experience.
Anne Hilarius-Ford
Energy Reflexology, Australia
Title: The Natural Facelift – beauty from the inside out

Anne Hilarius-Ford has run a successful private Reflexology practice since 2000. She completed the Diploma in Reflexology with the Australian School for Reflexology and Relaxation in Melbourne. Anne also has the Diplomas in Facial Reflexology and Japanese Cosmo Face Lifting with the Instituto de Reflexologia in Barcelona. 2016 saw her create a 6-video series on Hormones and Reflexology as well as the Natural Facelift treatment and workshop. In April 2017, she was presented with an Outstanding Achievement Award by the Reflexology Association of Australia in recognition to fulfilling the roles of an entire team and in keeping together the Victorian Branch during 2015 and part of 2016.
The Natural Facelift – beauty from the inside ou
Anne takes you on a journey behind the scenes of The Natural Facelift. How can we, with the help of ancient knowledge, rejuvenate and refresh our facial features naturally? Using selected techniques from Facial Acupressure and Facial Reflexology, prevent and reduce sagging of the face. Fine lines are softened and may, with consistent use, even disappear. Established wrinkles become much less prominent and, with daily use of the techniques may fade over time. Look rejuvenated, refreshed and radiant not only for yourself but also for professional profiles, first encounters and selfies. Following this very brief workshop, you will walk away with helpful information and some techniques to refresh parts of the face. Starting with a ‘damaged canvas’ Anne transformed her own face to look younger and fresher today than she did 4 years ago. With her background as a professional Reflexologist, she explains how these techniques impact general health because the whole body is projected on the face. Anne is a woman on a mission to empower people globally to look their best naturally, avoiding invasive and expensive procedures. She speaks and teaches from the heart and personal experience.
- Osteopathy| Natural Therapies |Naturopathy | Ayurveda Holistic Health| Aromatherapy
Location: 2
Session Introduction
Paul Turner
RMIT University
Title: Holism in Osteopathy – Bridging the gap between concept and practice: A grounded theory study

Paul Turner completed his Bachelor of Applied Science (Osteopathy) in 1993 at RMIT University (Bundoora, Australia) and has been involved with education in Manual Therapies since 1996. Through experience in private practice and in education he observed students and practitioners struggle integrating holistic and biomedical approaches so returned to university and completed a Batchelor of Health Science (Honours) in 2014, conducting research exploring this relationship as well as to develop a theoretical framework model which helps bridge a perceived gap between holistic concept and it’s practical implementation.
Paul Turner presents some of the results of his research from a grounded theory study interviewing experienced Osteopathic practitioners about their views on biomedical and holistic approaches as well as the relationship between any individual practitioners concept of holism and its practical implementation. This study also explored the role educatation played in the understanding and practice of holism.. These issues were important to investigate in order to develop a theoretical framework of holism which adequately explained these relationships and to provide a model of practice which may give insight into understanding, assessing and treating patients with chronic health issues. The theoretical framework identifies important relationships, not only between the tissues causing symptoms and the symptoms themselves but also between the tissues causing symptoms and other areas/components of the whole person (physical, energetic, emotional, mental, nutritional, environmental or other) which are potentially involved and which are collectively contributing to the entire “pattern of dysfunction” within any individual patient, as well as how to recognise these “other” areas from clinical assessment. It is hoped that the theoretical framework of holism presented will provide a plateform for future research to improve education (i.e. achieve a balance between holistic and biomedical elements) and health outcomes, particulary in the area of chronic health. Although participants were Osteopaths, because biomedical education and holistic principles form the basis of many health professions, the framework discussed has theoretical and practical implications applicable to many health professionals.
Anne Hilarius-Ford
Energy Reflexology, Australia
Title: The Natural Facelift – beauty from the inside out

Anne Hilarius-Ford has run a successful private Reflexology practice since 2000. She completed the Diploma in Reflexology with the Australian School for Reflexology and Relaxation in Melbourne. Anne also has the Diplomas in Facial Reflexology and Japanese Cosmo Face Lifting with the Instituto de Reflexologia in Barcelona. 2016 saw her create a 6-video series on Hormones and Reflexology as well as the Natural Facelift treatment and workshop. In April 2017, she was presented with an Outstanding Achievement Award by the Reflexology Association of Australia in recognition to fulfilling the roles of an entire team and in keeping together the Victorian Branch during 2015 and part of 2016.
Anne takes you on a journey behind the scenes of The Natural Facelift. How can we, with the help of ancient knowledge, rejuvenate and refresh our facial features naturally? Using selected techniques from Facial Acupressure and Facial Reflexology, prevent and reduce sagging of the face. Fine lines are softened and may, with consistent use, even disappear. Established wrinkles become much less prominent and, with daily use of the techniques may fade over time. Look rejuvenated, refreshed and radiant not only for yourself but also for professional profiles, first encounters and selfies. Following this very brief workshop, you will walk away with helpful information and some techniques to refresh parts of the face. Starting with a ‘damaged canvas’ Anne transformed her own face to look younger and fresher today than she did 4 years ago. With her background as a professional Reflexologist, she explains how these techniques impact general health because the whole body is projected on the face. Anne is a woman on a mission to empower people globally to look their best naturally, avoiding invasive and expensive procedures. She speaks and teaches from the heart and personal experience.