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Jennifer M  Williams

Jennifer M Williams

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine USA

Title: Emerging Role of Chinese Medicine in Public Health: Transforming Standards of Care Using Evidence-Informed Practices


Biography: Jennifer M Williams


Deeper biomedical scientific understandings often update interpretations of more elusive ancient Chinese theory, and in return, many Chinese theories fill gaps in biomedical understandings.  Using a rich history of case studies and biomedical research establishes a framework of pragmatic medical approaches to medical presentations that are often poorly managed through established protocols or treated with experimental drugs.  Tremors, seizure disorders, chronic pain, and autoimmune diseases are highlighted examples of applying combined biomedical and Chinese medical theories in a way that generates better clinical results.  Bridging gaps between Western medical understanding and approach to allodynia, and Chinese medical understanding and approach to Bi Syndrome is an example of how the medical paradigms can work together in a way that transforms standard of care.  Clinical findings include stabbing pain, electric sensations, swelling, numbness, discoloration, and lingering sores.  The standard of care is minimizing exposure to stimuli and managing pain with medications.  Chinese medical approach includes resolving exterior pathogenic fluids causing painful obstruction and harassing nerves while bolstering systemic fluids that were depleted.  Acupuncture, Chinese medical herbs, moxibustion, and dietary therapy can resolve the pain and sensitivity, resolve the swelling and discoloration, and reduced the stiffness to the point that physical therapy can be started to restore full range of motion.  Combined research and clinical experience is recommended as a future application to feasibly repeatable approaches.  Clinical outcomes of integrating care for many presentations can develop into improved standards of care.